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Breast Massage Therapy Special

Introducing a new massage therapy special treatment for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October 2021)... Click here to book it now.

Massage therapist at Sage Bodywork Seattle
It's me, doing your stereotypical back massage photoshoot.

Hi, I’m Jesse, a licensed massage therapist in Seattle, and I don’t think it’s right that your standard full body massage completely neglects the chest.

From a postural perspective alone, that's like playing a game of Tug-of-War with kindergartners on one side and professional bodybuilders on the other. It's not balanced. It's gonna get ugly. Not a great strategy for treating neck and back pain.

Then consider common and tender fibrocystic breasts, premenstrual swelling, and tight surgery scars that can find relief through breast massage. Breast cancer survivors can benefit from reduced pain and swelling, more functional scar tissue, and soothing massage in a traumatized area. Trans men and other folx who bind will find a lot of benefit from chest massage (and regular self-massage of the chest).

That's why I've created this informative, heart-opening massage treatment that empowers you to care for your breast health while relieving upper body tightness, congestion, and pain (including breast pain).

How can breast massage help relieve neck and shoulder tightness?

Look at how big the pec muscle is! It's a crucial part of the upper body system.

Underneath our breasts are the pectoralis muscles, which are often the true culprit for neck and upper back pain. If you spend a lot of time at a desk, it’s very likely that your pec muscles are tight and restricted.

But it can be difficult to get to this deep, muscular seabed when there’s congestion above.

Focused release of the breasts relaxes the fascia (the connective tissue) of the ribcage and allows for deeper massage of the chest muscles. This helps balance the musculature and joints of shoulder girdle to relieve tension in the neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest.

Tech neck begone!

If you wear a bra, you should do breast massage

Our breasts are active organs that literately swell and shrink every month throughout our menstrual cycles, and our glands continue to change throughout our life at puberty, pregnancy, postnatal, and menopause; and they do all this while being squished against the chest wall in a bra that restricts circulation and drainage!

No wonder our breasts can sometimes feel sore and tender.

You can support the circulation, drainage, and detox of your breasts with regular self-massage.

There's another benefit of this practice. Most doctors recommend a self exam every month to watch for lumps. But if you're like 80% of women, you don't do it. It can be scary and confusing to examine your breasts. It's scary to feel a lump!

But the truth is, breasts are supposed to be lumpy. When you practice regular self-massage, you become familiar with the texture of your breasts throughout your cycle.

The first part of your appointment is dedicated to learning a basic self-massage routine for your breasts. You’ll go home with a cheatsheet for how to do the self-massage and vial of massage oil blended with Geranium and Lemongrass essential oils to support breast health.

What happens in this massage treatment?

You'll pay when you book your session and, if you're new to Sage Bodywork, complete a health history form online.

Your appointment begins with a consultation so we can get to know each other, identify goals for your massage, and learn the self-massage. This usually takes around 15 minutes.

Then, you’ll undress in private and get comfy on the heated massage table. Aromatherapy and breathwork help you relax and tune into your body.

With your permission (and full empowerment to stop the session at any time for any reason), I’ll perform pain-free massage for the neck, shoulders, breasts, ribcage, and abdomen.

Your comfort is my top priority. You will be covered by the blanket for your modesty and warmth, and I will only undrape the part of the body that I'm currently massaging. If you prefer to stay covered by the sheet or keep your t-shirt on for the whole session, that's also an option.

My intention is for you to book this treatment once so you can learn about breast massage (and maybe catch up after some neglect), and after that session, we can integrate breast massage as one part of your favorite Sage Bodywork massage services.

Is breast massage legal?

Yes. Washington State allows therapeutic breast massage to be performed by licensed massage therapists who have received at least 16hrs of advanced training specific to the anatomy, ethics, and techniques of breast massage. My massage license (#60875642) and breast massage certification are displayed in my office.

To recap, the benefits of breast massage include:

  • Relieved breast pain

  • Relaxed neck and shoulders

  • More open posture

  • Deeper, fuller breath

  • Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage

  • Reduced swelling in the arms, chest, and face

How can I book a Heart-Opening Neck, Shoulders, and Breast Massage?

Schedule your session below. Email with any questions.

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